Funding Toolkit » Technical Assistance » Diversion and Deflection
training and technical assistance
Diversion and Deflection

Center for Health and Justice at TASC
Funder: U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
TASC’s Center for Health and Justice (CHJ) helps grantees implement evidence-based, systemic solutions at the front end of the justice system to respond to the substance use that often contributes to contact with the justice system. Recognizing that law enforcement and first responders are often at the front line of the opioid epidemic and responding to frequent drug overdose calls, a variety of multidisciplinary overdose response and early diversion models have emerged in communities throughout the nation. By providing online resources and in-person TTA for first responders and their community partners, CHJ can assist communities with implementing outreach and linkage programs for those most at risk for overdose, with the aim of preventing future crises through rapid engagement to community-based behavioral health services.