Welcome to the Funding Toolkit
For State Courts and Justice System Partners
The toolkit is designed to support local courts, state courts, and their justice system partners as they pursue federal and philanthropic funding opportunities. This toolkit includes resources that encompass the entire grant seeking, writing and management process, such as planning checklists, sample documents, frequently asked questions and fact sheets. Technical assistance is also available to courts to provide support and feedback during the grant writing and development process. Whether you are new to the grant process, have attempted unsuccessfully to write grants in the past, want to know about new funding opportunities, or are honing your grant skills, this toolkit is for you!
Federal Grant Management Webinar
On February 28, 2022, SJI hosted a webinar on Federal Grant Management. The webinar provided an overview of the federal grant system, focusing on key grant management requirements set forth in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (the “Uniform Guidance”) codified at 2 C.F.R. Part 200 (and at 45 C.F.R. Part 75 for Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) awards). Register for access to the webinar recording here.
Discover virtual learning opportunities such as webinars and podcasts.
Review current and past funding opportunities along with other grant writing resources.
Grant experts answer frequently asked questions.
Latest Virtual Learning Opportunity

Court ₵ents Podcast
Enhancing State and Local Court Efforts to Further Address Fines, Fees, and Bail Practices Funding Opportunity
Jonathan Mattiello, Executive Director of the State Justice Institute, discusses SJI’s recently released Request for Applications for Enhancing State and Local Court Efforts to Further Address Fines, Fees, and Bail Practices. Access the RFA for additional information.
Current Funding Opportunities
Below you will find funding opportunities that are currently available. As the due date for submission of an application passes, these funding opportunities, and their companion resources, will be moved to the Past Funding Opportunities. If you identify an opportunity of interest, please click on the link below to access the solicitation and associated templates you may use to prepare your application. Additional Supplemental Grant Writing Materials are also available to assist you in preparing your application.
New!–Access the weekly guide to Federal Grant Programs in one concise document, organized by topic area, and that highlights key information to help jurisdictions make decisions about whether to pursue these open funding opportunities.
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Human Resources and Services Administration
- Additional Agencies
- Appalachian Regional Commission
Application is due March 10, 2025 at 5pm ET
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SJI Funding Opportunities
The State Justice Institute (SJI) awards grants to improve the quality of justice in state courts, and foster innovative, efficient solutions to common issues faced by courts. State Courts and court-support organizations may apply for grants to conduct activities such as hiring expert consultants to address an issue, piloting demonstration projects, implementing or adapting curricula, or conducting educational and training programs.
Visit SJI’s Grants page to learn more about the types of grants. Utilize the Grant Management System (GMS) to apply for and manage grants, including fulfilling reporting requirements and requesting reimbursement of grant-funded activities.
Visit SJI’s Priority Investment Areas page to view major focus areas for SJI support.
Need Help?
Request assistance from a grant expert or ask us a question about the toolkit.
Virtual technical assistance (TA) is available for state and local courts. TA may include coaching calls, document reviews and answering targeted questions related to a grant opportunity, as well as other types of support.