AmeriCorps State and National Grants
AmeriCorps provides grants to a broad range of local and national organizations and agencies committed to using service to address compelling community issues.
While this funding toolkit focuses primarily on discretionary Federal grants, there is another category of Federal funds courts should be knowledgeable about. Many opportunities to financially support courts flow from states’ powers to administer what are known as block and formula (AKA pass-through) funds where the federally-established amounts and spending parameters give states flexibility to tailor spending to local priorities and can allow state spending on justice-related functions and activities. Each of the federal funding sources has its own authorizing statute, regulations, formulas, sub-regulatory guidance and degrees of flexibility. One of the key differences between these pass-through or formula funds and discretionary funds is to whom the courts apply: formula funds applications are made to the state and/or local government agencies while courts apply for discretionary grants directly to the administering Federal agency and compete for those funds with national applicants.
AmeriCorps provides grants to a broad range of local and national organizations and agencies committed to using service to address compelling community issues.
AmeriCorps VISTA program is guided by four core principles: anti-poverty, community engagement, capacity building, and sustainable solutions.
The CDBG program works to ensure decent affordable housing, to provide services to the most vulnerable in our communities, and to create jobs through the expansion and retention of businesses.
JAG funds awarded to a state or local may be used to support a range of program areas, including law enforcement, prosecution, indigent defense, courts, crime prevention and education…
The American Rescue Plan Act built upon the ERAP, is set to reduce evictions by providing an additional $21.6 B in emergency rental assistance for low-income renters who have lost income…
The Emergency Solutions Grants Program focuses on assisting people to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness.
The Family Violence Prevention and Services formula grants to states and territories fund more than 1,600 local public, private, nonprofit and faith-based organizations and programs demonstrating…
The HAF is for the purpose of preventing homeowner mortgage delinquencies, defaults, foreclosures, loss of utilities or home energy services, and displacements of homeowners experiencing financing hardship due to…
FRF is the largest and most flexible source of American Rescue Plan Act funds to help states, counties, cities and Tribal governments cover increased expenditures, replenish lost revenue…
STOP (Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grants are awarded to states to develop and strengthen the criminal justice system’s response…
The State Court Improvement Program is for children and families who need assistance in order to keep their families together.
The child support program serves over 17 million children, and provides information to pro se parents helping ensure that parents understand the child support process, know what to expect…
The Federal Foster Care Program helps to provide safe and stable out-of-home care for children until the children are safely returned home, placed permanently with adoptive families…
VOCA provides funding to groups and direct services for victims, such as domestic violence shelters, legal support, faith-based organizations, and child abuse organizations.
Virtual technical assistance (TA) is available for state and local courts. TA may include coaching calls, document reviews and answering targeted questions related to a grant opportunity, as well as other types of support.