FAQ Group: Proposal Submission

With the new two-step process of applying in Grants.gov and then later in JustGrants, I am unsure how to deal with the budget. Does my budget need to be complete before the first deadline in Grants.gov?

Once you get into JustGrants, you can update most data fields associated with the SF-424 (e.g., requested funding amount, project title, type of applicant). The only data that cannot be edited directly in the application are the entity identifiers (e.g., DUNS).  Therefore, it is okay to put a “placeholder” budget amount to meet the Grants.gov deadline …

With the new two-step process of applying in Grants.gov and then later in JustGrants, I am unsure how to deal with the budget. Does my budget need to be complete before the first deadline in Grants.gov? Read More »

What should I do if I have technical problems submitting an application?

For technical assistance with submitting the SF-424 and SF- LLL in Grants.gov, contact the Grants.gov Customer Support Hotline at 800-518-4726, 606-545-5035, at Grants.gov customer support webpage, or email at support@grants.gov. The Grants.gov Support Hotline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except on federal holidays. For technical assistance with submitting the full application in DOJ’s …

What should I do if I have technical problems submitting an application? Read More »

The JustGrants application system used by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for grants is new this year. How do I learn more about this system before I apply?

DOJ’s JustGrants team is offering multiple webinar sessions on the application submission process. If you are unable to attend a live webinar event or if you would like to revisit the materials, a presentation slide deck from the February 22, 2021, session has been posted for your reference. Additionally, a recording of the February 11, …

The JustGrants application system used by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for grants is new this year. How do I learn more about this system before I apply? Read More »

I just found out I didn’t receive a federal grant I applied for this year. Should I resubmit my application next year?

It is so disappointing to find out you didn’t win a grant award, especially if you worked really hard on your application. Below are a few tips for next steps.  Go back and review how many awards were anticipated. If the answer is fewer than 10 awards were anticipated, you were applying for a very …

I just found out I didn’t receive a federal grant I applied for this year. Should I resubmit my application next year? Read More »

It’s June and I just received an email from a Federal funder that I applied to this year asking me to modify my budget. I have not had any other communication about my grant application. Is this a sign that I might get funded?

Federal funders are typically completing their review of applications between April and August.  As part of the review process, a Federal agency may identify an error in your budget or something about your budget that needs to be modified.  Funders do not have the resources to request adjustments to applications that are not under strong …

It’s June and I just received an email from a Federal funder that I applied to this year asking me to modify my budget. I have not had any other communication about my grant application. Is this a sign that I might get funded? Read More »