FAQ Group: Proposal Preparation

How can I determine if a budget item is an allowable expense in a grant application?

Federal agencies have a financial guide that serves as the primary reference manual for financial and administrative management of grant awards. The applicable financial guide should be used as the starting point for all recipients and subrecipients of grants and cooperative agreements in ensuring the effective day-to-day management of awards. The most current DOJ Grants …

How can I determine if a budget item is an allowable expense in a grant application? Read More »

Have there been any updates on when the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) will make grant awards this year?

On September 10, 2021, OJP alerted FY 2022 applicants that some OJP grants will be awarded after September 30 OJP does not anticipate making awards later than December 31, 2021.  The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) anticipates issuing most, if not all, of its grant awards by September 30, 2021, and anticipates providing notice …

Have there been any updates on when the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) will make grant awards this year? Read More »

What does it mean when a federal funder identifies priority consideration policies in a funding announcement?

An applicant that demonstrates that their project or community meets one or more priority considerations of a federal agency typically receives extra points during the peer review process. This does not guarantee your application will be funded but can make a meaningful difference in the selection process.   In FY 2021, many Office of Justice …

What does it mean when a federal funder identifies priority consideration policies in a funding announcement? Read More »

I have heard that many federal agencies conduct applicant webinars once they release a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). Should I participate in these webinars?

Federal agencies use applicant webinars to walk potential applicants through a solicitation. These webinars are optional but a great opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of each grant program. If a grant program is new to you, it is a great idea to participate in the applicant webinar or, at a minimum, listen to recorded …

I have heard that many federal agencies conduct applicant webinars once they release a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). Should I participate in these webinars? Read More »

Most grant solicitations require that an applicant demonstrate that they have “maximized the cost effectiveness of award expenditures” in the budget narrative. What level of detail is needed to maximize my scoring in this section?

The degree of detail needed will vary depending on the nature of the project.  However, it is essential that every expenditure be explained thoroughly.  A sample budget narrative can be found at the following link: https://www.ojp.gov/funding/grants101/sample-materials.

I have a grant that requires an in-kind or cash match. What kind of documentation do I need to maintain related to my match? What common audit errors should I avoid?

One of the most common problems grantees have related to their match is failure to document or account for the match, whether it is a cash or in-kind contribution.  You will need to maintain appropriate records related to your match which may include receipts, timecards, invoices, etc. as documentation. Common problems related to matching to avoid …

I have a grant that requires an in-kind or cash match. What kind of documentation do I need to maintain related to my match? What common audit errors should I avoid? Read More »

What is important to know about letters of support when writing federal grants?

Often, federal solicitations do not provide much information about the requirements related to letters of support.  Below are some tips that may be applied when there are no specific directions. Letters should be addressed to the current Director of the applicable Federal agency. The signed letters should be included as a single electronic attachment – …

What is important to know about letters of support when writing federal grants? Read More »

Should I provide an in-kind or cash match, if it is not required, to improve my odds of being awarded the grant?

Unless the solicitation specifically requires a match or indicates providing a match will be considered as part of the application review process, there is no advantage to voluntarily offering a match.  Furthermore, if your budget indicates you will be providing a match, you will typically be required to document the match in your financial reporting. …

Should I provide an in-kind or cash match, if it is not required, to improve my odds of being awarded the grant? Read More »

Where should I put my references for research or data I am citing in my application?

Footnotes are the most common approach if the funding agency does not provide specific guidance in the solicitation or notice of funding opportunity.  However, it is more appropriate to include an attachment for your references if you are submitting to an agency that is a research organization (e.g., National Institute of Justice, National Institute on …

Where should I put my references for research or data I am citing in my application? Read More »