FAQ Group: Project Development

We would like to accept some individuals charged with violent offenses into our veterans treatment court. Will that impact our ability to apply for federal funding through BJA for our veterans treatment court?

The “violent offender” prohibition does not apply to BJA grants awarded with veterans treatment court funds. Grantees are required to follow the 10 Key Components, which include targeting the correct level of risk and need and considering safety and impact on treatment and interventions for all Veterans Treatment Court participants.

I just finished grant season. What should I be doing while I await grant announcements?

Congratulations on the end of grant season.  Now is a good time to do the following while you wait: Write thank you notes to the project partners included in your applications, recognizing them for their support and providing a general timeframe for when award announcements will be made. Organize your files so you have final …

I just finished grant season. What should I be doing while I await grant announcements? Read More »

What should we consider in selecting a research partner?

The following should be considered when selecting an appropriate research partner: Education and Experience:  Your research partner should have graduate-level training as well as specific experience working with criminal justice practitioners and court-based programs. While experience working in a criminal justice/court setting is not a requirement for a research partner, it can be helpful.   …

What should we consider in selecting a research partner? Read More »

I want to include a research partner in my application. How do I go about finding a research partner or evaluator for my project to include in my application?

There are two approaches applicants take to finding a research partner if they select their partner before they submit the grant.  The first approach is to find a research partner at a local college or university. Geographic proximity to your project can be an advantage as the evaluator will be familiar with your local community …

I want to include a research partner in my application. How do I go about finding a research partner or evaluator for my project to include in my application? Read More »

What is the benefit of having a partnership with a researcher when writing a grant?

Some grant programs award extra points if you have a research partner.  There are additional benefits to adding an evaluator to your next grant proposal, as well.  Below are some of the most common benefits: Research partners can bring an independent and objective voice to your work, which can be helpful if you have a …

What is the benefit of having a partnership with a researcher when writing a grant? Read More »

When collecting data for the grants to write this coming year, what are the best practices to consider?

Below are some useful guidelines to follow as you collect and present data in a grant application: If you are preparing a local or regional application, your application should provide local or regional data as well as some state-level data to provide context.  Local applications should not rely solely on state-level data. Use a combination …

When collecting data for the grants to write this coming year, what are the best practices to consider? Read More »

Are there free technical assistance opportunities that our court can use to identify our gaps and opportunities?

Participating in technical assistance opportunities aimed at leading your court or your justice system through a needs assessments process can be a very effective way to prepare for the grant season.  There is not a single place to locate these types of opportunities but subscribing to email alerts from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office …

Are there free technical assistance opportunities that our court can use to identify our gaps and opportunities? Read More »