FAQ Group: Grant Administration

Our grant-funded project got started a few months later than we expected. As a result, we have some funding available. How do I request permission to reallocate funding?

Funding agencies typically have a process for requesting an adjustment to the activities related to your project and/or the budget. For Office of Justice Programs grants (e.g., BJA, OVC, OJJDP), you will need to request a Grant Award Modification (GAM). For instructions on how to request a GAM, see this instructional video. If you have …

Our grant-funded project got started a few months later than we expected. As a result, we have some funding available. How do I request permission to reallocate funding? Read More »

Our agency is managing our first federal grant and we need guidance on how to manage the grant reporting requirements. Where can I find information about reporting requirements and instructions on how to complete the reports?

Funding agencies typically have online tutorials and/or instructions for completing any required financial and programmatic reports. For Office of Justice Programs grants (e.g., BJA, OVC, OJJDP), this instructional video provides a walk-through of the performance reporting process and this job aide walks users through the reporting process.  For information about financial reporting, see this instructional …

Our agency is managing our first federal grant and we need guidance on how to manage the grant reporting requirements. Where can I find information about reporting requirements and instructions on how to complete the reports? Read More »

Our agency is trying to set up an account in the federal payment system to receive reimbursements for our grant. Where can I find instructions on how to set up an account?

If your grant is through the Office of Justice Programs (e.g., BJA, OVC, OJJDP), you will be using the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system. Grantees should use the ASAP Registration Checklist to guide them through the steps they must take to complete their ASAP registration. For more information on how to request funds in …

Our agency is trying to set up an account in the federal payment system to receive reimbursements for our grant. Where can I find instructions on how to set up an account? Read More »

I’d like to share information about my SJI project with the court community, but my project is not complete. Are there opportunities to exchange information or highlight my efforts?

SJI has added a Grantee Spotlight section to the SJI website that is featured both on the homepage of the website and also prominently in our monthly newsletter.  We encourage grantees who want to share information about a project to complete the brief submission form whether their project is on-going or complete.  This is a …

I’d like to share information about my SJI project with the court community, but my project is not complete. Are there opportunities to exchange information or highlight my efforts? Read More »

What is supplanting?

Supplanting occurs when a state or unit of local government reduces state or local funds for an activity specifically because federal funds are available (or expected to be available) to fund that same activity. When supplanting is not permitted, federal funds must be used to supplement existing state or local funds for program activities and …

What is supplanting? Read More »

I received a new federal grant in the last week. What are the first five things I should do?

Congratulations on your new award!  There is a lot to do with a brand-new grant award but the first five things you should do are as follows: Celebrate first.  It’s exciting to win a new grant award!  And then… Read the Notice of Funding Award (or the equivalent award document) thoroughly and ensure that both …

I received a new federal grant in the last week. What are the first five things I should do? Read More »