Investments Supporting Partnerships In Recovery Ecosystems (INSPIRE)

Federal Funding Agency:

Appalachian Regional Commission

Applicant Eligibility:

Eligible applicants for ARC’s INSPIRE Initiative grants include the following: • Local development districts (LDDs) • Indian tribes or a consortium of Indian tribes • States, counties, cities, or other political subdivisions of a state, including a special purpose unit of a state or local government engaged in economic or infrastructure development activities, or a consortium of political subdivisions • Institutions of higher education or a consortium of institutions of higher education • Public or private nonprofit organizations or associations Note: ARC does not award grants to individuals or for-profit entities.

Due Date:

March 8, 2024

Funding Amount:

Up to $500,000

Agency Solicitation:

The Investments Supporting Partnerships In Recovery Ecosystems (INSPIRE) is an initiative addressing the substance use disorder (SUD) crisis by creating or expanding a recovery ecosystem that will lead to workforce entry or re-entry. Successful projects will support the post-treatment to employment continuum, which could include investments in healthcare networks that support substance abuse recovery professionals, recovery-focused job training programs, as well as initiatives designed to coordinate, or link, recovery services and training that support the recovery ecosystem, among others.


Additional Notes:

ARC will host a virtual pre-application workshop on Wednesday, February 8, 2024 to help prospective grantees learn more about ARC, our INSPIRE Initiative, and the qualities of a well-rounded application.

Letters of Intent (LOI) to apply for INSPIRE are due in PDF format to by 5:00 PM ET on Friday, February 16, 2024.