Eligible applicants are limited to: City or township governments, County governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), State governments, Other.
Category 1: These grants are for jurisdictions where either no family drug court currently exists or a family drug court has been operational for less than 1 year. Jurisdictions may already have other types of drug or treatment courts (such as adult drug or mental health courts).
Category 2 and Category 3: Courts applying for funding under Category 2 or 3 must be fully operational for at least 1 year, as funding is intended to enhance services of existing family drug courts.
Category 4: State and County Family Drug Courts Expansion
The following entities are eligible to apply:
State Administrative Office of the Court, working in conjunction with and coordinating closely with the state’s Court Improvement Program. Applicants are required to partner with the state child welfare agency and state substance use treatment agency, and must include with the application letters of intent formalizing these partnerships.
Eligible county applicants are limited to the county superior court (or similar authority). These grants are for jurisdictions with populations at or above 2 million. Applicants are required to partner with the county child welfare agency and county substance use treatment agency, and must include with the application letters of intent formalizing these partnerships.