What does it mean when a federal funder identifies priority consideration policies in a funding announcement?

An applicant that demonstrates that their project or community meets one or more priority considerations of a federal agency typically receives extra points during the peer review process. This does not guarantee your application will be funded but can make a meaningful difference in the selection process.  

In FY 2021, many Office of Justice Program funding announcements give priority consideration to applications that a) address challenges that rural communities face, b) that demonstrate that the individuals who are intended to benefit from the requested grant reside in high-poverty areas or persistent-poverty counties, and/or c) applications that offer enhancements to public safety in economically distressed communities.

If your application or community meets one or more priority considerations, it is essential that you follow the instructions outlined in the funding announcement and provide documentation.  If there are multiple priority considerations, it is important to provide documentation for each priority consideration.