I want to include a research partner in my application. How do I go about finding a research partner or evaluator for my project to include in my application?

There are two approaches applicants take to finding a research partner if they select their partner before they submit the grant.  The first approach is to find a research partner at a local college or university. Geographic proximity to your project can be an advantage as the evaluator will be familiar with your local community and the resources available to your agency.  This can also reduce travel costs and the college or university may have interns that can be assigned to work in your agency to assist with data collection. The other approach is to find an individual or an agency with prior evaluation experience in the area associated with your project.  So, for example, if you are evaluating a drug court, you may wish to select an evaluator with extensive experience evaluating drug courts nationally. You can often locate these individuals through an internet search, asking national associations for recommendations, or asking your colleagues for suggestions. Partnering with individuals who have extensive experience in a topic can provide a level of expertise you may not otherwise have locally.