DRAFT Funding Opportunities
The Federal government issues two kinds of grants: discretionary grants and formula (or block) grants. A discretionary grant (or cooperative agreement) is a merit-based award of funds to eligible applicants. A Federal grant making agency accepts applications for discretionary funding, determines eligibility, reviews the contents of the application, and determines which applicants receive awards and the amount of funding to be awarded. Courts are also eligible for certain state administered federal formula (or block) grants, also referred to as pass-through funds. One of the key differences between pass-through and discretionary funds is to whom the courts apply: formula fund applications are made to the administering state and/or local government agencies. For both categories of funds, courts may be eligible as the applicant or in partnership or collaboration with an eligible partner.
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Virtual technical assistance (TA) is available for state and local courts. TA may include coaching calls, document reviews and answering targeted questions related to a grant opportunity, as well as other types of support.