What is training and technical assistance (TTA) and how might I use TTA?

The scope of training and technical assistance varies by federal agency but generally involves connecting state, local, and tribal justice agencies, including courts, with national experts to provide assistance designed to address a specific need within the justice system.  The State Justice Institute offers technical assistance in the form of grants to provide state or local courts, or regional court associations, with sufficient support to obtain expert assistance to diagnose a problem, develop a response to that problem, and implement any needed changes. SJI TA Grants may not exceed $50,000.

Other federal agencies provide smaller scale technical assistance at no-cost. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC), for example, provides TTA on a wide range of criminal justice topics, including adjudication, corrections, crime prevention, justice information sharing, law enforcement, mental health, substance abuse, violence reduction, and tribal justice. Services may involve assistance implementing programs and strategies, curriculum development, data analysis, classroom and virtual training, peer-to-peer visits, research and information, and strategic planning.